

Как?! Вы не читали Пикассо?..
Чё-то в последнее время вместо общедоступной информации могу выдавать только зашитую в песни невербалику)

Mike Oldfield
"North Point"

music: Mike Oldfield
vocals: Anita Hegerland

Have you ever been to North Point
to spend your time and pray?
The prison walls are dark and cold and grey.
The writing on the wall at North Point
speaks to a silent room.
They shut the bars down, leave you to the gloom.

        How could we get any closer,
        So high is the wire and the guards won't listen
        They won't believe me
        And then it all came back,
        Somewhere far above, has a new day risen
        Way beyond the searchlight comes alive...

Then on a bright day at North Point
the gate was open wide -
they chanced to look at what was inside.
There were a million stars at North Point,
and from the silent tomb
they took it to the heart and left for the moon...

        How could we get any closer,
        So high is the wire and the guards won't listen
        They won't believe me
        And then it all came back,
        Somewhere far above, has a new day risen
        Way beyond the searchlight comes alive...

Have you ever been to Northpoint
to spend your time and pray?
The prison walls are dark and cold and grey...


@музыка: Mike Oldfield & Anita Hegerland - Islands - North Point

@настроение: :vv:

07.12.2010 в 01:22

а че имя мужское, а поет барышня?
07.12.2010 в 01:29

Как?! Вы не читали Пикассо?..
Он швец, жнец и на дуде игрец композитор, гитарист и прочий мультиинструменталист))
А она его вторая жена, кажется))
07.12.2010 в 05:27

последняя на данный момент?
07.12.2010 в 11:56

Как?! Вы не читали Пикассо?..
Не уверен))
07.12.2010 в 20:11

Анита - это мужское имя?
08.12.2010 в 00:33

Ну тебя с такими песнями...хотя сама песня хорошая.

08.12.2010 в 00:36

Как?! Вы не читали Пикассо?..
Дык has a new day risen, в конце-то концов! :)
Не угодишь вам))

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